Myth Busting: Gestalt Language Processing
…and why that is relevant to Reading Interventionists supporting Autistic learners.
Last week, I read three recent studies (Beals, 2024; Bryant et al., 2024; Hutchins et al., 2024) that examined two newer concepts in the field of Autism support. Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition. All three articles concluded that while this concept is neuro-affirming and includes some generally accepted good practices, it is ultimately a neuro-myth. It lacks scientific backing, with all purported evidence being anecdotal. Moreover, some of its recommendations could be detrimental to language development.
What is Gestalt Language Processing?
Gestalt Language Processing is a theory that suggests children with autism who use echolalia (repeating phrases or chunks of language) do so because they acquire language holistically rather than in individual word units. According to this theory, these learners process language in large chunks first and only later break it down into individual words and grammatical structures.
What is Natural Language Acquisition?
Natural Language Acquisition is a model developed by speech-language pathologist Marge Blanc to support learners who are assumed to be Gestalt Language Processors.
Where Did This Idea Come From?
The concept originated in the 1970s, primarily through the work of researchers such as Peters and Prizant. More recently, Marge Blanc has popularized the idea, publishing widely on the topic over the past decade.
What is Echolalia?
Echolalia refers to the repetition of unprocessed language. It can be either immediate or delayed.
- Immediate echolalia occurs when a person repeats words or phrases right after hearing them.
- Delayed echolalia involves repeating phrases after a period of time, often drawn from prior conversations, media, or scripts.
Echolalia can sometimes serve a communicative purpose (e.g., expressing delight, gaining attention, maintaining interaction), but it can also be non-communicative, possibly functioning as a sensory-seeking behavior. Importantly, research indicates that echolalia does not play an active role in the development of syntax.
How Does Language Develop?
Typical language development occurs through both individual words and small chunks of formulaic speech (e.g., “How’s it going?”). These chunks are flexible, content-focused, and maintain appropriate intonation. Unlike echolalia, formulaic speech is used with intentionality and adaptation.
Contrary to the claims of Gestalt Language Processing, language development does not follow a strictly top-down (whole-to-part) or bottom-up (part-to-whole) trajectory. Instead, language grows iteratively, with words and phrases developing in tandem.
Language Development in Autistic Learners
The primary challenge for autistic learners is difficulty with joint attention behaviors. For example, if an adult says, “Look at that dog,” an autistic child may not follow their gaze, body language, or verbal cue. These small, repeated missed opportunities for shared attention impact language development.
Research indicates that autistic learners often acquire the structural aspects of language (words and grammar) more easily than they develop an understanding of semantics and pragmatics (meaning and social use of language). Additionally, autistic individuals tend to excel at detail-oriented processing but may struggle with generalization—seeing the broader context or “forest for the trees.” From this perspective, the idea of Gestalt Language Processing contradicts what is currently understood about autism and language acquisition.
Issues with the Stages of Natural Language Acquisition
The Natural Language Acquisition model outlines six stages to support so-called Gestalt Language Processors. However, these stages are not well-defined:
- There is no clear method for accurately assessing a child’s stage.
- A child can seemingly be in multiple stages at once.
- It is unclear how to help a child transition from one stage to the next.
Practical Applications
The positive aspects of Natural Language Acquisition and Gestalt Language Processing include its neuro-affirming perspective and its reinforcement of general good practices, such as:
- Encouraging parents to narrate daily activities.
- Allowing the child to take the lead in interactions.
- Introducing new words and phrases into familiar speech patterns.
- Using child-friendly language.
- Recasting grammar errors correctly in natural conversation.
However, it also has recommendations which are problematic. Since Gestalt Language Processing is not a valid language acquisition profile, some of its guidance is misguided, including:
- Avoiding single-word or two-word phrases in early stages.
- Delaying the introduction of verbs until later stages.
- Discouraging structured interventions, such as Applied Behavior Analysis, for teaching early vocabulary.
Implications for Reading Specialists
Despite it’s popularity on Social Media, reading specialists should be aware that this language acquisition model is not supported by research. The idea of Gestalt Language Processing is inconsistent with the bottom-up approach that has been extensively validated within the Science of Reading framework.
Now that we can set aside Gestalt Language Processing as a guiding principle, we can return to evidence-based frameworks like the Simple View of Reading. This model helps us pinpoint whether a child needs support in word recognition, language comprehension or both allowing for targeted, evidence-based intervention.
Beals, K. (2024). A Linguist’s Take on Blanc’s Proposition of Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition: An Implausible Theory at Odds with the Research. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 11(4), 163–170.
Bryant, L., Bowen, C., Grove, R., Dixon, G., Beals, K., Shane, H., & Hemsley, B. (2024). Systematic Review of Interventions Based on Gestalt Language Processing and Natural Language Acquisition (GLP/NLA): Clinical Implications of Absence of Evidence and Cautions for Clinicians and Parents. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 12(1), 2.
Hutchins, T. L., Knox, S. E., & Fletcher, E. C. (2024). Natural language acquisition and gestalt language processing: A critical analysis of their application to autism and speech language therapy. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 9, 23969415241249944.